The paper I will be working on this semester is on my Introduction to Art class. This class does not require a paper, so it is a fresh start paper. This course is to help students develop the ability to see artworks in a different way. It also examines the value and understanding of art. This course is an hands on experience with required museum visits. I am suppose to look at different types of art and try to understand the concept behind them. The paper I’m writing will be based on the art forms I encounter in the museum. The museum will be my most reliable source along with the Internet and text.
In this paper will be discussing mostly the concepts behind art and what feelings it brings when you looking at them and also some of the history behind art. I want to try a different approach on this paper compared to my others. This paper will act more as an journal of my experiences in the art class, but at the same time it will still have some research behind it. There will be a variety of history included in this paper, starting from the Renaissance, through the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries down to the Postwar.
I hope my paper turns out the way I would like it to. I am excited to be writing about something different and interesting to me. I have always been interested in art just not that talented to actually practice it, but just looking at other people works is interesting to me. I think by viewing someone else work you get to understand the artist more. You begin to view ordinarily things differently and start to develop new ideas of old things. I believe that there is an little artist in all of us and hopefully this research paper will bring out my inner artist. :-)